Goodbye for 2009!
Thank you again to everyone....please wait until 2010 to send your next POSTMARKED entries....I won't be posting more received until then. Check out the many call for mail art events on the internet -- I'll see you at the Post Office!
Notes and Thank -Yous, June 11 is almost completed...the mail art has almost all been distributed to the lucky high bidders, and almost all of the donations are in. I posted the mail artist portraits (in blog below reception photos), and welcome any additions you may have. We are all very pleased with the participation from friends and new friends all over the world. I did receive one more envelope today from France --will post next week into blog with the last entries. Any pieces that did not receive bids are available (for a requested donation) in the Claremont Forum's Thoreau Bookstore, next to the gallery. There are very few of these left now, as people are pleased to be able to have them.
Thanks to you, the mail artists, the volunteers, and the bidders, the Prison Library Project has received over $3200 in donations from Postmarked 2009. If you wish to know more detail, please contact me directly -- happy to share info -- at this point, the total is not official, as there are still a few transactions not yet completed.
I want to thank everyone. Really. Everyone. And people I have not mentioned in the blog for awhile -- like the Village Postmark in Claremont who donates good ole Box 303 every year AND takes extra care with our mail. Le Pain Quotidienne, Helen Feller, Mike Owens, Alison Fleming, Jan Wheatcroft, and numerous anonymous donors made our reception table full and yummy. Dawn Grimes lent us the pedestals, and Tony at the Claremont Forum's Thoreau Bookstore prepared the gallery for all Postmarked events. Numerous people took gallery sitting shifts (Nancy Clark, Peggy, Jan Wheatcroft, Rebecca Tice, Marielena, Mara Sanders, Helen Feller) and my de-install crew Pat Evans, Mara Sanders, Lucette Bourdin, and Jan Wheatcroft , was terrific -- their second year in a row. Yoshie Sakai , Jan Wheatcroft, and Marielena handled the Sunday sales tables - again, for the second year in a row. What a crew! Rachel McDonnell created our poster this year and I was able to place it on merchandise in Cafe Press. The Jazz Standards provided the music for the reception, inspiring some of the guests to dance. Thank you Rick Moore - you are wonderful to repair the gallery post-postmarked 2009! If I have left anyone out, please don't send me hate mail -- I appreciated everyone so much.
This project is one I am passionate about. I enjoyed every day that mail came, and enjoyed every gallery visitor who came in, gawked about, asked questions ... I look forward to correspondence with any of you who wish to send mail art my way....and will reply to all.
Cheers, cheers! Anne
Postmarked 2009 Winds Down for the Year
After the Onsite bidders pick up their mail art, we group the remaining pieces by bidder number (since many bidders buy more than one piece), and then package each group separately in baggies, along with their bidsheets. Then I go through each baggie, write up a total for the contents, and put the bidder's name on the receipt. I phone each bidder and ask them to retreive their purchase, distributing from my home for the first day (Monday Jun 8, from 8-8pm).

Postmarked 2009 Reception Photos June 5
June 5: Public Celebration Reception! We had many guests arrive for our reception, including several of the participating mail artists, ongoing Postmarked supporters, and others who saw this exhibit for the first time. "The Jazz Standards" played in the entry foyer, and the crowd enjoyed dancing and listening to their classsic jazz tunes. Pictures below are of the guests and the various antics... Captions are below each photo.
Reception flowers for the refreshments table, thanks to Mike Owens
Entry into the Claremont Forum Community Gallery
A Happy Visitor Gives Two Thumbs Up
Mail Artist Helen Feller volunteered to assist at the reception desk. Here, she is giving out a bid number to a guest.
Harry Ragland of "The Jazz Standards"
A visitor locks in a bid
Mail Artist Wes Taylor tries on TWO of the Postmarked entries at once! (He claims they are a perfect fit)
Postmarked Curator Anne is busy adding new bid sheets as they fill up.
Mail Artist Peggy places a bid
A visitor places a bid.
Curator Anne calls Richard Canard, as instructed on one of his many entries. He received at least 3 phone calls this evening in response to his envelope asking guests to call him during the reception.
Guests caught in the act of calling Richard Canard.
Gallery visitors
Mail Artist Pat Evans visits the exhibit
Visitor reading the Postmarked 2009 Information Binder.
Mail Artist Sylvia Megerdichian (left) and friend study the entries.
Gallery visitors

Postmarked 2009 Mail Artists' Photos
Here are a few photos of the mail artists who contributed to this year's Postmarked. I only thought to do this about halfway through the week, so I did not ask every artist who came in to pose...I am happy to post any additional photos you may want to submit! Also, some of these were taken surreptitiously...if the artist objects, I will remove ....


Postmarked Curator Talk and Gallery Tour: June 3, 2009
Tonight I gave a talk on mail art history, citing information gleaned from resources over the last 2 years of Postmarked. Thank goodness mail artists have written it down -- Anna Banana, Matty J, John Held Jr, Chuck Welch, Michael Thompson and Michael de Luna, Ruud Jansen, and so many more...It made for an interesting evening for the audience, most of whom had not known about the rich history of mail art, and Fluxus. It was fun to point out Postmarekd entries that illustrated the various kinds of idealogies and approaches to mail art -- the textual pieces, the fluxus pieces, and the series pieces ,and the interractive ones
Many people placed bids after the lecture and asked lots of questons about individual pieces and artists.
Anyway , here is a self-indulgent photo of me preparing for the evening at the gallery....

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